If you’ve been to San Xavier Mission, you’ve experienced his skills. He helped in the restoration. His mural commissions include St. Mary’s Hospital, Casa Molina North restaurant and the offices of Surgical Associates. His work also graces the private collections of many prominent Tucsonans and of former first lady Pat Nixon. Many charitable groups have raised funds by auctioning paintings donated by Romo.

Thanks Al - Apolonio Hernandez Romo.

Here is an image from a recent posting from Mary Hess. Thank you Mary for sharing this delightful watercolor with us!

Nancy Alexander Koff has also contributed another Al Romo painting. This one is titled on the back: "San Ignacio" Kino Mission in Sonora near Magdalena, Mexico - Romo '73. Thank you Nancy for sharing another Al Romo treasure with us!

Here is another of Al Romo's treasures found in a Tubac, Arizona estate sale by Hilda Dorgan. The subject should be easily recognizable to all as the San Xavier Mission historic Spanish Catholic mission located about 10 miles south of downtown Tucson, Arizona, on the Tohono O'odham San Xavier Indian Reservation. Thank you Hilda for sharing this with us!

Here's another Al Romo watercolor for us to admire. The image was contributed by Ray Tartar who offered the following comment in his post: "......his choice of brighter colors and the skies that are so well done." Thank you Ray for sharing this beautiful watercolor with us!

Remarkably, I continue to get emails of inquiry and thanks for the Al Romo article (Blog). It is certainly the most popular article I have posted based on all the emails I've received since the original posting in March 2014. Al was clearly a beloved artist in Southern Arizona and this poster I received from "Sue's Laptop" is one of the more touching memories of his time creating art. The note from Sue indicates that the solo retrospective had a dual purpose: to raise funds for the restoration of the historic San Pedro Chapel in the Old Fort Lowell Historic District and to help Al with his "retirement fund". According to Sue it was a successful event and "a fabulous example of community support."
I've also attached a snapshot of one of the Al Romo paintings that she bought at the event - titled: "Home of Magdelana".
Thanks Sue for sharing the information about Al's community support and a couple of his paintings.