Last week I visited the center to spend a little time with the dog walkers - it was a humbling experience. These dedicated volunteers spend hours each week (some are there daily) walking those dogs who can walk, holding those who cannot walk, and, for at least one case that I saw, the volunteer was lifting the hind legs of a dog crippled with Valley Fever so that the dog could keep her front legs active while getting medical care for her hind legs. It did not matter what the special needs were for each dog. They all got some attention. In some cases, the dogs got to spend the better part of a day with a volunteer getting re-socialized with other people. There were other cases where the dog was being treated for an infection so the volunteer had to wear yellow isolation gown and blue gloves. While the new building will be invaluable for the animals, it was comforting to know that they are getting incredible care and attention right now.
Part of the reason for me being there was to learn more about the center and to do some watercolors for possible fund-raising purposes. The following are some quick sketches of some of the volunteers and dogs I visited that day. I hope that these sketches help communicate the dedication and commitment these individuals have brought to the shelter and to these wonderful animals. Of course, they could certainly use some help, so if you have any time to share for these deserving creatures, please contact the PACC. A link to their volunteer web site is:
Pima Animal Care Center - Volunteer page